Tag Archive | Halloween


So, I’m here to tell you a little about my Halloween. Now, as you may know, I was dressed as Gamora, from Guardians of the Galaxy. My skin color wasn’t the exact shade of green, and my hair was longer, and I was just wearing black. But still. I’m pretty sure I looked like Gamora. No one else thought so though. A few of my friends knew, but some didn’t. The strangers whose houses we trick-or-treated at had no clue who I was. A friend thought I was a witch, a stranger thought I was Poison Ivy. I was griping about this to my BFF, and we decided we should make a superhero school. So that we could educate people on the many obvious differences between Gamora and Poison Ivy. Now, I understand that not everyone would know, but Guardians of the Galaxy was a really popular movie. I’m disappointed in humanity.


✰Stuff You Should Check Out!✰

Hey guys! I’m posting to tell you to check out some other pages on my blog! You can check out my About page, although that one is kind of boring. You can ask me a question on my Q & A page, and I’ll answer it shortly! Or, you can go check out the Polls page, and vote for your favorite Avenger, Agent of SHIELD, or Guardian of the Galaxy! Also, I’d love it if you guys commented on my posts, it will inspire me to keep posting 🙂

I’m excited for tomorrow, because that means a new episode of Agents of SHIELD! I’ll post my thoughts on that soon. Also, guess what? I’m going to be Gamora for Halloween. If you see a girl dressed as Gamora, it might be me!

