Tag Archive | Huntingbird

☆AoS 3×13: Parting Shot☆

late and this episode killed me. KILLED ME. i’m serious. I’m a zombie right now.Ok but for real, this was effing intense, man


Bobbi and Hunter at the bar

The episode was all about Bobbi and Hunter… the best, most in-love, imperfect children. It takes place in different times– sometimes it shows them when they’re captured, other times, how they got to be where they were. There was an amazing scene where they talked about the vacations they’ve never had, and they were leaning so close, I couldn’t deal. I can’t deal. I will never be able to deal. And he just stares at her, and she’s so… wioenrfekdlf THEYRE SO IN LOVE HELP ME. Then, one of the prison-y, they’re captured scenes, they’re taking Hunter away and he yells repeatedly “Let me speak to Bobbi!” They kill me, you guys. One of the guards / ppl there realizes something “you are each other’s weaknesses”, he says. SO TRUE. SO PAINFUL TO MY HEART BC THEYRE GOING THROUGH SHIT RIGHT NOW. Back in ‘how they got there’ time zone, Bobbi is talking to Hunter and the rest of the team through comms, and then he’s not responding, and she’s all “please tell me you’re okay!” and she’s so desperate and uGH. In prison-y time zone, they’re reunited, Bobbi takes his hand saying she thought he was dead. They share a few words, and they do the forehead touch. the fOREHEAD TOUCH. the end of the episode was so intense, they end up leaving the team, and leaving helping the government forever, to protect SHIELD. At the very end, the two of them are in a bar, then they keep getting drinks from other people in the bar– the rest of the team, and they can’t talk bc ppl are watching, and it’ll put the SHIELD agents in danger. Bobbi says it’s “A spy’s goodbye”. They all drink and raise their glasses, and then leave. Mack hovers, teary eyed. Bobbi is also half crying, and Hunter tears up, along with the rest of the team looking sad / tearful as well. Music is playing, which makes it all so much more emotional. I had to repeatedly pinch my neck to keep from crying and I was sweating so much by the end. It was a perfect send-off though, probably my favorite episode. But also the most painful. I can’t believe my babies won’t be on the show anymore :c


Bobbi and Daisy

Daisy/Bobbi is now my fave friendship okay, but like really. Bobbi is saying Daisy will learn Russian eventually, and Daisy’s all “yeah, so hopeful” and later Bobbi says,

“You ready, sestra?” (meaning sister)

and Daisy responds, “Da.”

literally the best. they’re the best.


let’s hope tonight’s ep is good!


☆AoS 3×08: Many Heads, One Tale☆

Yes, I’m late. Even later than normal, as normally I’d be posting in the mornings, or at least before AoS comes on. Alas, there was no AoS this week :c So I’m posting a little late. This post will probably be pretty short– I’m having a meh kind of night, and stuff needs to be done for Thanksgiving. Anyway, let’s get started!
Fitz and Simmons, near kissing.

The main thing that was hyped up about this episode was the supposed Fitzsimmons kiss. Even though many believed it could happen, I was skeptical– I thought it was just a tease, that they wouldn’t actually kiss. Well, I was wrong. Fitz and Simmons argue, and at one point Fitz mentions that even “the bloody cosmos” doesn’t want them to be together. But he kisses her, pushing her up against a table/desk, where she knocks some books and papers to the floor. He pulls away, but she kisses him back. Then he leaves– It’s really not a happy moment, even if kissing is involved. Some fans are all like “Yay, Fitzsimmons is together now!!” but they’re totally not. Like, I can understand being excited that your ship kissed (hell, I ship Fitzsimmons too) but just because they did, doesn’t instantly make them a happy couple. Anyway, Simmons realizes the papers that fell to the ground show something– And later at a meeting Fitz and Simmons later tell the team what they found out. Turns out Will and his group are linked to HYDRA– and the team was sent as a sacrifice, not to discover things. I’m adamant that Will is still a good person though. Surely, he must not have known that it was HYDRA, or, even if he did, I’m sure he had noble intents.



Bobbi and Hunter, undercover.
Bobbi and Hunter went undercover in this episode, and they were pretty awesome. Bobbi kicked butt with her batons ❤ Hunter was a huge dork, in the best way possible. He was undercover as a hacker, and Daisy was telling him what to say. It was pretty funny when he was taking a while to hack the stuff, and Daisy was all like “smh @ hunter”. Anyway  Hunter + Bobbi + undercover = basically dream come true. So that was great! :0


Also: May was nice and apologized to Lincoln, MayLincoln is totally adorable although I don’t ship it romantically. Lincoln is totally in love with Daisy. Turns out, Ward has Andrew and like purposely gassed him to make him turn into Lash. Ward’s trying to use Lash as a weapon, it seems.


Well, in other news the Civil War trailer is out, so if I’m good I’ll post a review of that later.


Until next time,


☆AoS 3×07: Chaos Theory☆

yes yes. i’m always gonna be late, aren’t i? anyway.


Joey talking to Andrew

Thank heavens– Joey survived this episode! I’d really like to be able to see more of him in the show. After all, he’s an LGBT+ character, which isn’t seen too often on Marvel movies and tv, if ever. There was speculation that he’d die in this episode, and it did seem fairly plausible. I was worried for him in this episode, but he made it out okay, thank god. And he seems to be getting a pretty good grip on his powers, so maybe we’ll see him more in future episodes.


May and Andrew

At the beginning of the episode, we got to see May and Andrew on a beach somewhere (Hawaii, maybe? I’m not sure.) Being super cute and adorable and happy. But, back to real time. So he tries to explain to her, she’s there because she’s worried about Joey. And it ends up that she’s chained to something, but still, they still love each other it seems, and she’s not about to kill him. However, during the ending battle with Lash, she shoots him. It doesn’t kill him, and it gets him into a cage, so she saves the day. Thing is, she didn’t know if it would kill him or not. I feel bad for May– she really deserves to be happy. On the other hand, I’m glad that she can put her personal feelings aside and focus on the danger. They decide to put Andrew in stasis.


Coulson and Rosalind kissing

So, Coulsalind happened in this episode. Ew. Anyway, it’s the morning after and they’re kissing. But then like Rosalind gets a call from the dude working with Ward– so it seems she’s related to HYDRA in some way or another. She did always seem kind of bad, but what with Coulson trusting her (and sleeping with her) there’s a high possibility he won’t notice. Yikes.



Yay for Lincoln. Fave. He attacked Lash when he wasn’t supposed to, but that was because he was angry that Lash was killing his Inhuman friends. I’m totally on Lincoln’s side, like, his friends are dying because of Lash so of course he wants to fight back. And it looks like he’ll be joining the team, which is awesome 🙂


Also in this episode was cute huntingbird–speculation that she’s pregnant, and god that’d be angsty, feely, and amazing. Also Daisy saving Rosalind’s life–Daisy ftw! Next episode–well, i won’t tell you guys the spoiler, but… aaaa.


till later,


☆AoS 3×06: Among Us Hide…☆

late again. whatever, it’s become like a routine now. plus, probably no one is reading this anyway, so why does it even matter?

Coulson looking at Rosalind

In this episode we found out that Rosalind is keeping Inhumans in a coma-like state, in these containers. We learn there are reasons for it– personal ones, but still. Coulson acts like he’s okay with it, and they get a little flirty and stuff. Yeah that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say about that tbh..


At the start of the episode, May seemingly attacks Bobbi. Bobbi says that she didn’t want Andrew to get killed, she didn’t mean for that to happen. Turns out, it was a test to see if Bobbi is field-ready, and May decides she is. Bobbi and Hunter talk a bit before she goes, and she asks Hunter if he’s going to “say the thing”, to which he replies that she already knows it. That kind of breaks my heart, as she obviously wanted him to say it then. She goes on the mission with May, and they are in a bank, doing work. bobbi looks great in glasses and bobbi and may talking in mandarin is my new aesthetic Something goes wrong, and as the gate closes, Bobbi obviously jumps– because of her PTSD. She tries to avoid fighting, but they have to fight. Later on, she has to really fight– she is shoved underwater, and she’s obviously struggling. When she gets out, she takes a huge breath, then kicks ass. She says how she knows she’ll beat the guy is thanks to “experience”– something which May had recently talked to her about. It was great to see Bobbi back in action, and see the visible effects/affects (lol i’m too lazy to figure out which is right) of the trauma she’s been through. I’m hoping, though, that they continue to show her PTSD. Sure, she kicked butt, but that doesn’t instantly make PTSD go away, and I’m really hoping that will continue to be addressed.


There was a huge reveal in this episode– first of all, Andrew isn’t dead– and, turns out, he’s Lash. That was pretty unexpected (although i had read a theory about it but still) and after that it’s pretty frightening– hopefully he won’t hurt anyone. May talks to a dying Alexander/Werner/whateverhisnameis about it, and when he explains, May is very shaken, especially for her. Yeah, so that was the biggest twist so far this season.

Lincoln on the phone with Daisy

Lincoln and Daisy talk briefly at the end of the episode cute as always   so yeah. Not much really happens with that, though. Hunter was pretty funny in this episode–being bored he tags along with Daisy and Mack, and ices a guy surprisingly. Yeah he’s kind of amazing.

So that’s that! Joey’s back in this episode, so yay! Hopefully Lash doesn’t kill him… This’ll probably be a tense episode, to say the least.

until next time aka next tuesday,


☆AoS 3×03: A Wanted (Inhu)Man☆

hello! guess who, again, is super late to this posting party? this girllll *points at self*

fitz and simmons holding hands

Fitzsimmons. But mostly Simmons. Okay so Elizabeth Hendstridge’s acting in the ep was to die for. I mean, it was hella. Like wow girl, slay. So Fitzsimmons was great too, Fitz holding Simmons’s hand and overall cuteness. And so Simmons was having a panic/ptsd attack with all the bright lights and noise… poor baby. And, obviously, I haven’t went through what she has. But I have started panicking before, and Liz did a great job of portraying that. At one point, Daisy comes to visit Simmons– it’s a cute scene, Daisy telling Simmons she can call her whatever she wants, and bringing her flowers. Then Fitz takes her out to eat– turns out he’s kept the reservation for all these months, and he’s even emptied out the restaurant so it won’t freak her out. It’s super sweet, and throughout their conversation you can see the obvious attachment they have to each other. Then she starts sobbing, and he’s there beside her and 💔 Ouch, my heart. And although I ship Fitzsimmons to the moon and back, I think that needs to be set aside for a moment, while we worry about Simmons’s well-being. At the end of the episode, she’s back in the lab that freaked her out earlier– Bobbi comes in and tells her there’s no way it’ll ever reopen, trying to soothe her. But Simmons jerks away, saying: “I have to go back.” So that’s pretty intense and we’re not quite sure what’s going on there. Hopefully more of it will be explored tonight and in the future.

may and hunter in a bar

May and Hunter went undercover to try to find Ward and stuff. At one point when Hunter was talking to another guy trying to get info, they put subtitles on screen– I actually liked that, because for some reason it takes a lot of effort for me to figure out what they are saying, but there was some drama about that on Twitter. And Hunter was fighting someone, and he got super bloodied and bruised up. It was pretty intense. May got hugged and acted super weird about it, which was hilarious. And she kicked butt so it was all good. I don’t really remember the end of what happened with them, but I think they were talking to some HYDRA people about Hunter meeting Ward.

Rosalind looking at Coulson

Rosalind and Coulson had a talk. I thought it was funny when Coulson was looking at her car and she said that her eyes were up there lol. But yeah it was okay, they were arguing about the mission going on with Daisy and Lincoln and Mack and stuff. I still don’t really like Rosalind. Anyway, at the end they decided they were going to work together, which sucks. I’d much rather the ATCU be SHIELD’s main enemy, rather than HYDRA. Of course, that may have to do with the hatred I have for Ward. But whatever.

Lincoln and Daisy, faces close.

So Lincoln in this episode was awesome. I mean, he’s always awesome but ya know. He was running away from the ATCU. Turns out SHIELD had stuck a tracker into him– he learned that when Daisy was calling him, trying to help him. He takes the tracker out– also taking off his shirt 😍 ANYWAY. So he gets the help of John, an old friend of his. And it turns out Lincoln is/was an alcoholic and suicidal. 💔 John is nice and lets Lincoln sleep, and is there for him. But then he sees Lincoln on the news, and gets out a metal bat to attack him. Lincoln zaps the bat, but then John has what appears to be a heart attack. Lincoln tries to zap him back to life, but it doesn’t work 😢. So Daisy comes to Lincoln and says she’ll help him as he helped her, and they kiss 💏. Tbh, I don’t think they should’ve kissed yet, I think they should’ve led up to it more and stuff. Anyway. So Lincoln says he’ll go with her, but then Mack and the ATCU and drama. In the end, Rosalind and Coulson make a deal, and the ATCU takes Lincoln. Aw.

Last but not least, my fave, Bobbi. She calls Hunter and talks to him when he’s on the mission and stuff. Near the end of the episode, she is seen overworking herself. She’s mad that she can’t go in the field, that she can’t go with Hunter or help him. So she works out, pushing herself past her limit because she knows she can do better. She punches a punching bag through the pain, and her facade breaks as she punches and punches and punches. But then she goes to talk to Simmons, facade back in place, and she’s sweet and caring and 💔💔💔

Tonight’s episode has Ginger Inhuman, so we’ll have to see where that goes.

Until then,


☆AoS 3×02: Purpose in the Machine☆

hello guys! again, i’m late to the party. ughhhh i don’t know why i always put off posting. anyway! let’s talk about the episode.






First, let’s talk about May. So in this episode, we saw May living a normal life– playing tennis, with her dad. And I have to say, it was quite unnerving and not at all like the may we’ve come to know and love. So yeah… that was pretty weird. May was trying to live a normal life, but she still carried a gun and was always on the lookout. Hunter was on a mission to kill Ward, and he wanted May’s help. When he came to May’s house, her first reaction was to attack him. And after that, he tried to convince her to join him. She said she wouldn’t. He kept persuading, but it still seemed like she wouldn’t join. Then, at the end of the episode we see her readying her battle gear, with Hunter– so it looks like Ward is going down.






Speaking of Ward– In this episode, I have to say that I hated him in this episode. In this episode, he recruited Baron Von Strucker(a deceased HYDRA leader)’s son to help him and the new HYDRA. Now, that wouldn’t be so bad, expect for the way he did it. He had his second-in-command or whoever(the other guy in the picture) torture Alexander. Now, Alexander fought back and is joining HYDRA and all is “well”. But still. I hate Ward. Towards the end of the episode Alexander is meeting Andrew– which is worrisome, meaning he may try to kill Andrew or at the very least, learn some more about Coulson’s team.





There’s really not a whole lot to say about Bobbi in this episode… However, I feel I should always make a section dedicated to my favorite agent. There was some huntingbird/lancebob stuff in the episode, including a kiss(squee!) and we also got to see Big Sis Bobbi, helping comfort Fitz and and Daisy. I really enjoy the friendship between Bobbi and Fitz, especially since they’re also my two favorite characters. 💕





FITZSIMMONS WAS STRONG IN THIS EPISODE. So Fitz figured out a way to get Simmons back, which involved him going to the alien planet with a string tied around him while Daisy held the portal open with her powers. It was such an intense scene, and it seemed almost like they weren’t going to make it out, at least not both of them. At the same time Fitzsimmons is struggling, Daisy is struggling to keep the portal open, Bobbi and Mack are struggling to hold the thing with the string attached to Fitz, and Coulson is also struggling while deciding how long to wait. It’s super duper intense. Luckily, Fitzsimmons makes it out okay, as you can see in the adorable gif above. And at the end of the episode, Jemma wakes up with a nightmare, holding a shank and ready to attack. She realizes it was just a dream and goes over to Fitz and rests her head on his knee. And it is adorable and also sad because POOR BABY JEMMA 💔 I mean, she’s been on the alien planet for like six months and she’s obviously affected and scarred.




(linc2 [didn’t work, sorry.] )


This coming episode shows Lincoln on the run. Which is sad, because Lincoln is my child and needs to be protected. The promo also showed what seemed to be an almost-kiss between Daisy and Lincoln. which is cool with me bc i totally ship them Anyway, I got a Twitter– which is giving me spoilers, aha. So yeah.. But it’s cool anyway to interact with more AoS fans.


Until Tuesday,



☆AoS 3×01: Laws of Nature☆

Yo! i’m back after like a 4 month hiatus so… yeah. i haven’t really had much to post about over the summer, but now that AoS has started back up, i’ll probably at least post about that. so, let’s get down to this episode!



First of all– Skye’s going by Daisy now! It seems to be a bit of a debate in the fandom. Some people prefer to call her Skye, while other’s accept Daisy. Coulson himself expressed how hard it was to get used to the change. However, I do think that she should be called Daisy if that’s what she wishes to be called. So that’s where I stand on that. Anyway, I am LOVING Daisy’s new haircut! It’s super cute on her!! Plus, she was helping Joey out in this episode– Joey is the new Inhuman they are “watching over” right now– and it’s great to see how much she cares about helping the other Inhumans. Sure, at the beginning of the episode things were a little rocky with Joey, and trying to convince him that what they are doing is right– but by the end it seems Daisy and Joey are on their way to a tentative friendship.



Now, let’s talk about Lincoln, Lash, and Rosalind. First of all, Lincoln is amazing. and i ship him with Daisy but that’s not the point (i also accidentally put Skye there and then changed it. it might take a little getting used to). Let me just say that. I loved how he stood up to Mack. It is a bit strange though, how he just wants to live a “normal” life now. Previously, he was a huge advocate for the Inhumans, so it’s a pretty startling change. I’m hoping we will see some of the reasoning behind his choice later in the season. Now, we only caught a glimpse of Lash this episode– but dang, he’s weird. Not quite creepy, but still. He’s strange. We don’t really know much about him yet, but hopefully that will be explained later. Why is Rosalind grouped in this section? you may ask. Well, that’s because I saw on a blog (agents-of-frickle-frackle.tumblr.com) something about how Lincoln and Rosalind have the same last name. I don’t really have feeling one way or another towards her yet. I mean she’s obviously in an origination opposing SHIELD– but who knows.



Next– Bobbi my wife(and also Hunter). There wasn’t a ton of these two in this episode so this’ll be short. But Bobbi is my fave okay. And Hunter not talking to Bobbi at the start made me angsty af. But then he wanted to marry her 😭❤️ so yeah. But Bobbi not being able to do stuff and feeling bad about it kind of killed me a little bit. And Bobbi wearing Simmons’s lab glasses was bomb and also sad. And Bobbi and Fitz best buds ftw!!



TWO WORDS. FITZ. SIMMONS. Okay so Fitz was being a BAMF and slaying those bad guys w that flash grenade things like CHILD. Plus fetus!fitz with his cute face and adorable hair has grown into BADASS EMOTIONAL MAN FITZ WHO IS HELLA HOT. 😍😍😍 But when Coulson was telling Fitz to let go and stuff and Fitz was getting teary eyed– i may have gotten close to tears. And then that pounding on the rock. Oh my god emotions. And at the end we see Simmons in an alternate universe and IS SIMMONS OKAY? it’s been a few months that she’s been in there right, and she’s running from something and !!!!! I just want her to be okay! It seems that Fitzsimmons always run into more trouble.

Alright– so Coulson was missing a hand and being kind of whiny about it. May was gone but will be returning in tonights episode, along with that Asgardian guy from a previous episode. Well, I’m pumped for tonight, and hopefully I’ll post my review a bit sooner this time!


☆AoS 2×20 + 2×21: S.O.S pts 1 + 2☆


I am a mess, so this post will not be ordered or anything, this’ll just be me spitting out my random thoughts. Nice 😎

bobbi tied up



OMG HUNTINGBIRD??? AND JUST BOBBI IN GENERAL. MY LOVE, MY WIFE, THE JOY IN MY LIFE. HOLY– Hm ok. I gotta phrase this a little better. Bobbi is one of my absolute faves in the history of ever, and this episode made me love her so much more. So she’s scared of needles(same here) and Ward sticking needles into her fingers was gross as heck. I was hoping Hunter and May would come save her, but she tried to save herself first. And she did a badass job at trying. But when she was in the chair and they were saying whoever came into  the room next would die… 💔 Well, when she started moving around in the chair, I knew she was trying to put herself in the line of fire. Tbh, I thought she’d die by doing that. When she was almost dead and Lance was so… agh my heart. The end of the episode left with a “I can’t do this anymore” by Bobbi and what does that mean? She can’t do the relationship, I guess. Actually, it probably means working for SHIELD. After thinking about that while I brushed my teeth I was thinking maybe she meant she couldn’t keep living anymore… And, voila! I’ll be writing depressing fanfic about that soon 😉




JIAYING THOUGH???? GAH I HATE HER. I can’t believe she killed Raina? I didn’t love Raina, but she was a very interesting character. She had finally learned to love her new form, and accept her powers– and then Jiaying killed her. 😢 And then at the end of the episode she tried to kill Skye, I just,, that was too far. I mean, yeah Skye had turned against her,,, but trying to kill Skye was rude. And she staged the whole attack, she made Skye believe that SHIELD was attacking Afterlife, and she made all the Inhumans believe that SHIELD was attacking, when really it was just part of her plan. Ugh. I’m not mad that she died, to say the least.

cal with vials



It was sad that Cal killed her. It was nice of him though, so that Skye wouldn’t have to go through that pain, but still. Killing your own wife has gotta be really sucky. When he got that adrenaline shot and went crazy, well… that was creepy and weird. Apparently he’s Dr. Hyde in the comics, so I guess that has something to do with it. That was creepy though… At the end when he and Skye parted.. feelings. But then he went through the TAHITI program?? That was sad and depressing. I get that it was good in the big scheme of things,,, but it still sucked. Oh well, he seemed happy at least.

Simmons with teary eyes



FITZSIMMONS. Okay so when Fitz said “Science, beyotch.” was my favorite thing ever. ever. And Simmons realized that she cared about him in that way and they were so about to kiss or something but then Coulson had to interrupt and Simmons was crying and shooting me in the head would hurt less. Okay, maybe that was a hyperbole. But still. And at the very end, they were about to go on a date… and then. Okay so the episode ended great, everything was tied up, it was nice and good, and THEN. Really? Did Simmons have to be sucked in by that weird rock thing. Gah, why did Fitz accidentally open it? And we have to wait until Fall to find out what happened to her… 😓

kara, dying



And OH MY GOD Ward killed Kara?!?!?! wtf. And now apparently Ward is HYDRA again… but i cannot believe he killed Kara agh that sucks! Why did Kara have to die? And Ward is never going to forgive himself for killing her,,, agh. Kara said that killing Bobbi at one point didn’t feel right, and Kara was just a cool character and now she’s dead for Ward’s manpain? Ughhhhhhh.




Mack is back! I liked him and Skye kicking butt together. And he chopped off Coulson’s arm was nice. I mean, maybe it was kind of crazy, but it was needed. I’m happy May and Skye seem to be friendly again. And May and Andrew… friendly might not be the right word. 😜 Lincoln saying that they weren’t bad, just misled was cool bro 😎 I loved the finale, but I’m mad about the cliffhanger ending.

Well, that’s all for now!


☆AoS 2×12: Who You Really Are☆

Sorry for the late post once again. I’ve been sick and lazy, so.. ye. Anyway, let’s get to it.

In this episode, Sif is back! She brings some humor to the show, which is nice, seeing how the show has been so dark lately. I kind of hoped she would have lost her memory for longer, but it was still interesting. Coulson and May asked if the name Thor was familiar to her, and she said she did not know the name but it made her smile. So that was pretty cute. May and Skye were sparring, and Skye was worried about hurting May, and Fitz came over to see if Skye was okay. Ahhh I just love the FitzSkye friendship !  At the beginning of the episode (the Bobbi/Lance after-sex scene) it seemed like Bobbi and Lance were getting back together. I mean, obviously they had been working on it (the after-fight make-out and going to have sex in the car) but it seemed like they were getting better emotionally, too. And later when Bobbi is investigating the kree guy’s weapon, Lance is flirting with her. Mack had told Bobbi to push Lance away, so Bobbi told Lance that she wanted to take things slow. Lance was obviously unhappy, but as he left he said to Bobbi– “Don’t die out there, yeah?” Which gave me many feels. My friend was saying that everyone might lose their memory, and another friend was saying that after killing the kree guy everyone would get their memory back. That would have been interesting, but alas, that didn’t happen. We got to learn more about blue angels that fell from the sky, which was interesting. Skye’s powers were found out, and Sif and kree guy tried to incapacitate Skye, believing her to be dangerous. May pulled Skye away and tried to help her control her powers. (May/Skye mother/daughter-relationship feels, ok?) Everyone was saying that Skye was dangerous and that Fitz should have told them, because Skye was a danger to them. Skye overheard, and locked herself away. Fitz said that the others knowing about Skye’s powers was dangerous to her, and he went after Skye to try to convince her that she didn’t need to lock herself away. And the very end of the episode, Lance confronts Mack about the secret, saying that he knows it’s not just a support group. Mack grabs Lance, and makes it so Lance passes out. Mack is like– crap, what do I do now? Yikessssss. The secret that Bobbi and Mack have is stressing me out. It’s ruining the hopes of Bobbi and Lance getting back together and Bobbi and Mack seemed like good characters, I don’t want them to be villains.

Well, I’m excited for the next episode. I’ll talk to you then!
